Tuesday 17 September 2013

We Bought A Zoo - True!

We Bought A Zoo. (2011)
I happened to watch this film last year and I also saw it recently again, as I bought it on DVD. I must say that this is a wonderful film. Not my favourite, but it is very good. I enjoy the occasional film which is based on a true story. I thought that after seeing Invictus, that I wouldn't find another film which was based on a true story. However, I was proved wrong.
With the likes of Matt Damon, who also played the main character in Invictus, and Scarlett Johansson in the film. This film I find teaches the audience a lesson about life, and that when we loose somebody or something precious in life, then our lives don't end there and then. In fact, we should carry on and make something of our lives. Don't we all know that?
In regards to the actors/actresses performances. Well, Matt Damon who plays Benjamin really excels in the character, portraying the different emotions really well and at the correct parts of the movie. That comes down to the writers of the script, when Matt Damon cries and laughs. However, opposite Damon was Scarlett Johansson who portrays the character Kelly, the head zookeeper. At first when the audience greets Kelly, she appears to be rather proud, strong willed and the sort of person who doesn't let her emotions shadow her judgement of how to care for the animals. Her knowledge of the animals shows that she cares for them via a personal approach and so that is where the audience sees both sides of her. Played really well by Scarlett Johansson.
Overall the cast chosen for the film, didn't let me down and I came away thinking I'd love to go there and meet those people or who wouldn't want to work with them? From the animals, to the family orientated appearance of the zoo, makes this film appeal to families as well as the individual. It's a film for all!
With the music by Jonsi, an Icelandic composer, it gives the film it's atmosphere. Which is the main principle of film music in my opinion. However, the range of instruments which I can hear when listening to the soundtrack makes me think outside the box rather than inside it. Every composer has their own ways of bringing new genres of music to film, and Jonsi for me is one of these people. It's as if somebody has said "away with the classic orchestral music which we hear so much of in films, and in with the randomness of new ideas" Or you could just do both, and mix classic with modern!

My rating for this film would be 4 out of 5 stars.

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