Friday 20 September 2013

You've Got M@il - Those Three Magical Words.

You've Got Mail.
3 words that you'll never forget. And nor will you forget this film in a hurry.
Based around a subject that is close to my heart, and so is there any wonder that I enjoyed this film? A Romantic Comedy based on the Book industry? What's not to love! With the witty family humour of both main characters, the settings, the rivalry of the industry and it's overall joy of life. This film shows the audience what it was like at the time when big superstores were starting to dominate the little independent businesses and also the introduction of the internet, where big computers and laptops were the thing!
Nevertheless, the film wouldn't be anything without it's cast, and well what a cast! Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan's partnership in Sleepless in Seattle was beautiful enough, and it transpired into this film. Their on screen rivalry and banter just makes the film even more special. The difference between when they are together in the same setting and them being miles away on their computers emailing each other gives the film a magical and yet mysterious feeling. For me, and I don't know about you but when you see Meg Ryan's character you just feel connected through her passion for the books, and also for the man that she inevitably loves even though you know it's her main rival! But, still I know that it's a cliché sort of film where you know that the guy is going to get the girl in the end. The storyline and the writers have got to have the credit for bringing such a story to life, even though it is partly down to the skills of the actors and actresses, and I have to commend the casting director for making such a good choice once again! I couldn't fault anyone in that film, they were all equally as good. Even the dog who played Brinkley was really good!
In regards to the music for the movie, you'll never forget the ending that's for sure! The song they used and the moment that it started just tugged at your heartstrings. An acoustic version of "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" sung and performed brilliantly. I don't enjoy the song, in fact I've always hated it. Don't know why.. But on this occasion, I loved it! I won't ruin the ending for the film but, trust me you'll understand when you see it. The majority of the music for this film was composed by a man called George Fenton. Now again, I've never heard any of his compositions before, apart from this one. However, from listening to this soundtrack I like his approach to the composition. With every song, there is a hint of the film and as I sit here listening to it, I can picture which part of the film it comes from. He's captured the romance, humour and the magical atmosphere of the film perfectly and in all honestly, I think it's up there with the greats. Or rather the list of my great movie soundtracks. Some of his songs are piano orientated which to me isn't a bad thing, because it's brilliant that he's been able to create different songs for different moods of the film using mostly the same instruments! Well done George!
As I said, I cannot falter this film and it's a 90s classic! I hope that you'll enjoy it and fall head over heads in love with it just as much as I did.

So for that reason alone i'll give it 5 out of 5.
Helen xx


Tuesday 17 September 2013

Captain America: The First Avenger.

Captain America: The First Avenger.
I didn't realise that there was an order to The Avengers, but after seeing The Avengers, Thor, Iron Man 1 & 2 and most recently Captain America I now realise the links between them all. So, first piece of advice that I'm probably ever going to give to you and that is if you're planning on watching The Avengers series then watch Captain America first! That's because it'll set you up for the other films and then it'll all come together for technically the final film of the Marvel series' which is The Avengers!
However, getting back to focus on Captain America. I thought this film was a really good film. It's based on Marvel's Superhero Captain America. Hence the name of the film.. For an action/superhero film which I tend not to enjoy I was really surprised. I've found that with a lot of Action films that there has a tendency to be a lot of violence and people ending up dead. But in this film and also with the other films in the series of Marvel characters, its a lot more about the saving of people and the heroes journey to become that victor. Ok, there has to be a few deaths within the film but, that is not hugely focused on.
Captain America is set within the Second World War, and yet the audience can see a different perspective of this huge period of history from the angle of the Americans. OK, so it's probably not as accurate as some would have hoped for however, it's a platform for the character to evolve from. What I enjoyed the most about this character is that at the start of the film, you find yourself sympathising with the main character because he is portrayed to be weak, unfit due to health problems and not allowed to fight for his country which at the time, every man had to do within reason. Midway through the film, we see his character evolve and become the strong, powerful solider hero which Marvel originally created. By the end of the film, again the audience and I saw that the character evolve again to which his emotions are brought to light. I guessed that this would imply that superheroes have emotions just as much as normal everyday humans have.
The actor who played Captain America, Chris Evans, was in my opinion the best candidate and ticked all the boxes for the films criteria. He'd had experience as being a superhero before, through his performance as Johnny in the Fantastic Four. This film needed an Actor whose voice, is strong, dominant, and physically could stand being a solider and hero. Plus inevitably this film would make Chris Evans, a role model to both young and middle aged audiences because of the popularity which Captain America had before the film was produced and released. So no pressure then Chris.
So down to Le Crunch, and I thought that Chris' performance as Captain America was superb. He manned the role as both a solider and superhero really well, taking it in his stride. The pressure of portraying a weak man and showing the evolution of him into a strong powerful solider was really well done. All in all I couldn't falter his performance. The actors and actresses around him were just as good, and I really liked it. They've made the target audience for Marvel much more wide open and now the whole of The Avengers, Captain America series is not just a movie for boys anymore! Ladies, get your tickets there is a new Edward Cullen in Town.
Soundtrack: Music by Alan Silvestri - He also composed the music for the Avengers film. Really gets a feel for the genre which the film belongs to. Amazing and motivating music!!

My rating for this film would have to be 4.5 out of 5.

We Bought A Zoo - True!

We Bought A Zoo. (2011)
I happened to watch this film last year and I also saw it recently again, as I bought it on DVD. I must say that this is a wonderful film. Not my favourite, but it is very good. I enjoy the occasional film which is based on a true story. I thought that after seeing Invictus, that I wouldn't find another film which was based on a true story. However, I was proved wrong.
With the likes of Matt Damon, who also played the main character in Invictus, and Scarlett Johansson in the film. This film I find teaches the audience a lesson about life, and that when we loose somebody or something precious in life, then our lives don't end there and then. In fact, we should carry on and make something of our lives. Don't we all know that?
In regards to the actors/actresses performances. Well, Matt Damon who plays Benjamin really excels in the character, portraying the different emotions really well and at the correct parts of the movie. That comes down to the writers of the script, when Matt Damon cries and laughs. However, opposite Damon was Scarlett Johansson who portrays the character Kelly, the head zookeeper. At first when the audience greets Kelly, she appears to be rather proud, strong willed and the sort of person who doesn't let her emotions shadow her judgement of how to care for the animals. Her knowledge of the animals shows that she cares for them via a personal approach and so that is where the audience sees both sides of her. Played really well by Scarlett Johansson.
Overall the cast chosen for the film, didn't let me down and I came away thinking I'd love to go there and meet those people or who wouldn't want to work with them? From the animals, to the family orientated appearance of the zoo, makes this film appeal to families as well as the individual. It's a film for all!
With the music by Jonsi, an Icelandic composer, it gives the film it's atmosphere. Which is the main principle of film music in my opinion. However, the range of instruments which I can hear when listening to the soundtrack makes me think outside the box rather than inside it. Every composer has their own ways of bringing new genres of music to film, and Jonsi for me is one of these people. It's as if somebody has said "away with the classic orchestral music which we hear so much of in films, and in with the randomness of new ideas" Or you could just do both, and mix classic with modern!

My rating for this film would be 4 out of 5 stars.