Saturday 23 November 2013

Mrs Miracle - A Christmas Miracle.

Mrs Miracle. 2009.
Hallmark Channel Film.
Starring Doris Roberts as Mrs Miracle.
This film is "typical" to the Hallmark genre of TV movie. Not only is it EXTREMELY Christmassy which, at the moment i'm all about, it's about forgiving, moving on with life, hoping of a better future, and all importantly family.
I loved the whole concept of the film, the storyline, the characters, the setting. Just everything. Some people would disagree and say that it's a cliché Christmas film which happened to be produced by Hallmark. However, I've always found myself to be a fan of Hallmark and their films. This reason being that they produce some great films. Ok, so what if they don't set their standards as high as the "BIG" films like Avatar or Lord of the Rings, it's the storyline and the acting that matters.
Anyway! In regards to the film, the story is just simple, and yet outstanding with each character having their own path to find an answer to. For example, the twins never remembered their mother and so are wanting to know what she was like etc and of course at the end of the film they get those answers. For the father, one of the main characters, it's about getting over the grief and tending to the boys and also moving on with life - finding new love along the way. The love interest's character has a dented relationship with her sister, which starts off in a non speaking manner and again by the end of the film it changes as a solution is met. Where is Mrs Miracle in all of this? Well, she is the pivotal character to which all of the others work around and inevitably meet. She assists every character to where they need to go. She is their miracle - just to state the obvious.
This is one of the reasons why I love Hallmark films. I enjoy the hidden meanings in the films. Some of course, like Mrs Miracle, have their meanings more on the surface than others. However, they are still enjoyable for all the family. One criticism that I would have is that viewers who aren't a fan of Romantic/Comedies may not enjoy Hallmark films because this is the sort of genres which they do tend to focus on. I guess this is one of the reasons why I love them so much.
Nonetheless, as well as settling down to It's a Wonderful Life, settle down to this film - it's got something for everyone in the family and will truly put a smile on your face.

Enjoy! And if you liked it that much, then there is a second film - Call Me Mrs Miracle. 2010.
So, time for my final rating! I'd give this movie a well deserved 4 out of 5 Stars!  
Helen xx

Thursday 21 November 2013

It's A Wonderful Life.

To start things off, why not go for an all time classic!
It's A Wonderful Life. 1946.
Starring James Stewart as George Bailey, and Donna Reed as Mary Hatch Bailey.
This film's storyline is one of the best, and what I noticed was that it was such a simple story scripted really well and portrayed excellently by a first class cast. It really does pick up the feeling of Christmas.
The story focusses on the life of George Bailey, and both the ups and downs that he goes through until the end of the film where desperation and sadness overcomes him. However! Clarence, George's Guardian Angel played by Henry Travers, intervenes and shows George how much he has done and also what a wonderful life he has got - that he should be grateful for. Hence the title of the film. Full of laughter, romance, and festivities this film is a one for all the family.
In terms of actors and their performances, as I've mentioned before the cast is just A-class and I wouldn't falter any of them. They're performances made the film a huge hit and an all time favourite. Although, I've only just seen this film - around a few hours ago in fact, it still hasn't made me change my view. In all honesty, i'd rank this film above A Christmas Carol purely because I feel that it has a lot more meaning hidden in it, which don't all apply to Christmas. However, as I said that's in my honest opinion.
In regards to the music from the film, there was a hint of festive cheer to the soundtrack, however all of the music otherwise kept in keeping with the period of the 1910s onwards which is when the film is set. This includes a Charleston section towards the beginning of the film. All in all the music is perfect.
So, to conclude this review I think that this film is an ideal starting point in a long list of Christmas films. It's a must see for all of the family, as grandparents may know of it whilst children may not have seen black and white films before, and so therefore it brings a family together. Another thing I have noticed is that the language is a lot more civilized and different to what we see in today's films, which is lovely and it just shows the differences that have occurred over the course of 100 years. But, this film is utterly amazing.

For that reason alone, i'm going to give it 4.5 out of 5 stars!
Helen xx

Well It's That Time Of The Year Again.

As I said somewhat in the title, it's that time of the year again! CHRISTMAS!
Not only do I love the songs, decorations, happiness and joy this time of the year brings to us and our families, but the films! I just love festive films.
So, to get you in the mood for the festivities, I'm going to be reviewing a few of my favourites. Just maybe they'll be your favourite too!

Anyway! Let's get festive! :P
Helen xx